(General information)
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Admission to the University is conditioned by a competitive examination at which any high school graduate (having passed the final examination and having got his/her graduation diploma) can be accepted. Beginning with 1990, as a result of the agreement signed between the Romanian and Republic of Moldavia ministers, numerous young people from the Republic of Moldavia have attended the courses of the University of Iasi.

The admission contest usually taking place in July, is organized by faculties and consists of written and oral examinations, skill tests and practical quizzes, all relying on the high-school programms. Admission of candidates is done in the decreasing order of the marks, until all the places are occupied. Five is the final minimum average mark.

Since the academic year 1992-1993, an additional number of taxpaying students (their number being approved by the Education Ministry) were allowed to attend different University courses.

University undergraduates can be given scholarships according to their results at the admission contest and in the examinations during the academic years. Social grants or some other material support are offered to students of poor means.

Last update: May 12, 2001 | Copyright & Privacy Statement